Training Validation

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Training Validation (aka Proficiency Training) is a training option for Tools that require training (i.e. the tools addressed by Training Sessions). It is available to members with previous experience, and it is generally cheaper than regular training.

Who qualifies

  • Prerequisites probably depend on equipment; discuss with the trainer for the tool


  • often about half
  • some trainers charge for time rather than set cost since time requirement is hard to predict and can be as long or longer as normal training
  • depends on trainer and content

Considerations for trainers

for all

  • I had situations where new members said they had used lasers before but because they were not Epilog I basically ended up doing the entire course for them in a slightly shortened form.
  • for returning members, it would usually be that they have to show the entire process with little to no intervention. This is something we should formalize once we have a better handle on things like the hazard analyses, training documentation, what does and does not require training, etc.
  • Lawrence made a document for his welding training.
  • <via slack> Be careful tho. Sometimes a so called proficiency check takes a lot longer than anticipated.
  • <via slack> One way to mitigate the uncertainties is to provide the trainee a list of tasks they should be able to perform and knowledge they should have, and sharing this beforehand
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