Epoxy Room

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The Epoxy Room is one of the rooms at North Forge.

Room precautions

edit at Epoxy Room/Precautions


  • Fumes: Epoxy and mold release are not good for your lungs. The Lifebreath HRV (Epoxy) has been installed for your protection.
  • Skin irritation and adhesion: if epoxy gets on your skin, it can cause skin damage. Wear gloves at all times. Isopropyl alcohol is also used for cleanup and can cause skin and respiratory irritation.
  • Eye damage: If epoxy splashes in your eyes, you can go blind. Wear sealed goggles when pouring and mixing epoxy.
  • Large 15L jugs of resin are heavier than 50 lbs. Ask another person for help when pouring from full jugs.


  • Clean as you go - Isopropyl alcohol is best for cleaning
  • No set areas for different supplies right now, put things back where you found them.

List of tools

The Epoxy Room contains the following tools:

List of PCs

no PCs found in room

List of Training Sessions

The following Training Sessions are available for this room

Training Session Trainer(s) Cost Duration Tool(s)
Ecopoxy Training Christoff Epp Ecopoxy Workstation