Soldering fume extractor (small spare)



Model Weller WSA350
Room IoT Innovation Lab
Work envelope/max capacity
  • 1370 l/min
Link to manual
Related tools
Training Sessions no training sessions include this tool
Knowledge keeper(s)
Training document(s)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Safe Work Procedure
Consumables * filter: WSA350F
Software this machine has no software listed
Equipment type tool
IoT Innovation Lab Precautions apply   

You will be working in the IoT Innovation Lab . In order to keep safe from hazards created by you or other workers using any of the tools in this room, the following precautions apply in addition to any other precautions:


  • Tools and consumables in this room contain toxic chemicals, lead, and are a fire risk.
  • Equipment in this room can carry dangerously high voltage and current.
  • NO EATING OR DRINKING IN THE IoT INNOVATION LAB. Safety committee swabbed surfaces for lead and found that there was a lot of residual lead on the workbenches, and you don't want to risk ingesting it.
  • When working with any liquids or emulsions (including water, flux, cleaning products, solder paste, etc,) ensure you have paper towels nearby to contain and clean up a spill.
  • When working with any hazardous chemicals or substances (eg. solder paste, flux, cleaning products, etchant, etc) you must wear nitrile gloves and eye protection.
  • Keep flammables, such as isopropyl alcohol, away from sources of heat, such as soldering irons, hot air guns, and PCB preheaters
  • There is a lead solder disposal bucket available for disposing of lead solder