Safety goggle bin (3rd floor)



Room Room between Design Space and Metalworking Room
Work envelope/max capacity
Link to manual
Related tools
Training Sessions no training sessions include this tool
Knowledge keeper(s)
Training document(s)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Safe Work Procedure
Software this machine has no software listed
Equipment type safety
Room between Design Space and Metalworking Room Precautions apply   

You will be working in the Room between Design Space and Metalworking Room . In order to keep safe from hazards created by you or other workers using any of the tools in this room, the following precautions apply in addition to any other precautions: Do not block the paths in this room as it is part of our escape routes. This is also a shared space with other tenants in the building.

There is a bin with safety goggles in the Room between Design Space and Metalworking Room.