Member Filament Storage in the 3D Printing Room

The Member Filament Storage in the 3D Printing Room is a set of shelf drawers on the bottom of the big shelf in the 3D Printing Room.

for all

This could use a picture. 
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for all

Do we want to limit how many rolls a member can store here? 
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Members can store their filament there. Make sure you put your full name on the roll (please do not use initials as that makes it harder to identify the owner). If there is no name on a roll, or your membership ends, the roll may be disposed of as per Consequences of Inappropriate Storage.

Space on here is at a premium, and when it fills up we may ask the owners of any rolls that have less than a layer left on them to remove those rolls. Please be considerate with what you store here; this space is best used for the filament that you use on a regular basis (ie not for long-term storage of multiple rolls of filament - those are best kept in a rented space or off-site).

Note that this space is not humidity-controlled. Some materials may absorb moisture if they are not stored in a dry environment. North Forge is not responsible for any damage to filaments that may occur due to storage in this space. We have a Filament Warmer/Dryer and a In-line Filament Dryer you can use to re-condition your filament.