FabLab Governance

This page contains documentation related to how the FabLab Governs itself to support its members and the rest of North Forge. For now the two most significant groups that have an impact on the day to day operations of the FabLab are the Member Council and the Safety Committee.

Member Council

Member Council Participant Categories

The member council consists of folks that fit into four very broad categories:

  1. Compensated Volunteer: people whose membership fee is reduced in exchange for their efforts on the on member council
  2. Members at Large: people who participate in the meeting(s) without direct financial compensation. Regular members.
  3. Staff: people doing paid work as employees of North Forge
  4. Invited participants: This could include guest speakers, other North Forge components, contractors and more

Member council agreed on this method of participant categorization via simplistic concent method.

Purpose of Member Council

The membership at large voted via Slack poll to use the following as the Member Council Purpose Statement:

“The purpose of the North Forge FabLab Member Council is to represent the diverse voices and needs of our membership, foster a culture of proactive and responsive problem-solving, by enabling a connected, collaborative community.

Through effective communications and hands-on operational efforts, the Member Council strengthens its support for North Forge at large, cultivating a dynamic environment where members are empowered to innovate, create, and grow together.”

The proposed statement was carried forward via simple concent.

Member Council Methods

Issue Categories

Member Council will sort issues requiring a decision into three broad categories

Member Council Issue Categories
Issue Category How hard is it to discuss
Simple Doesn't Require a whiteboard to explain it
Tricky but not Complicated Probably doesn’t need a whiteboard to explain it, but it may help
Complex This is gonna need a whiteboard, possibly pictures/diagrams and some deep thinking on everyone's part

Decision Flow

Member Council will use the following flow to work through making decisions on issues. We’ll use each method one after the other until a decision is made.

Concent BasedConsultative BasedConsensus BasedDemocratic Based

member council agreed on this method via simplistic concenet method.

Structure of Member Council

Member Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes Template