Workplace Safety and Health Co-Chair
Under the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations the fablab has to have two Workplace Safety and Health Co-Chairs.
- an employer Co-Chair (currently Tina Tenbergen)
- an employee Co-Chair (currently Lawrence Rosdobutko)
Responsibilities under the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations
This is only an index of relevant portions of the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations, see the cited sections there for full information.
- Investigations: serious incidents and accidents ...
- An investigation must be carried out by ... the co-chairpersons of the committee at the workplace or their designates (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 2.9(2)(a))
- in consultation with the co-chairpersons or their designates... must prepare a written report ...(Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 2.9(3))
- A co-chairperson of a committee may call a special meeting to deal with matters of urgent concern, including but not limited to serious incidents, accidents, dangerous occurrences or matters believed to constitute a serious risk to the safety or health of a worker or other persons. (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 3.4)
- A committee must ensure that ... the minutes of each committee meeting are ... signed by the co-chairpersons (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 3.7(1) (a) (ii))
- alternate in serving as chairperson at meetings of the committee and shall participate in all decisions of the committee (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 40(8)(b))
- if a committee has failed to reach a decision about whether or not to make a recommendation under clause 40(10)(g) after attempting in good faith to do so, either co-chairperson may make written recommendations to the employer (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations41.1(1.1))
- 40(10)(g): "the making of recommendations to the employer or prime contractor respecting the safety and health of workers;"
- A safety and health officer who conducts an inspection or investigation at a workplace, may request that he or she be accompanied by (a) the worker co-chairperson of the committee or his or her designate (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 41.3(1))
- Inspecting dangerous conditions...refusal to work... (Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations 43.(3)(a)