North Forge:Workplace Safety and Health Program

Revision as of 10:34, 2024 October 15 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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We are required to have a Safety Program by the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations7.4 and as a component of the North Forge:MadeSafe audit.

for all

Emelia, Marney, audit
  • do we have documents for these things? Let;s not fill in too much here, but if we have them we should add the content to the wiki and then link as appropriate. For example, the (c) resources should likely have their own page in the main namespace. Ttenbergen (talk) 11:15, 2024 October 15 (CDT)
  • Cargo

  • Categories

Some of the components are documented on this wiki:

  • (a) a statement of the employer’s policy with respect to the protection of the safety and health of workers at the workplace
  • (b) the identification of existing and potential dangers to workers at the workplace and the measures that will be taken to reduce, eliminate or control those dangers, including procedures to be followed in an emergency;
  • (c) the identification of internal and external resources, including personnel and equipment, that may be required to respond to an emergency at the workplace;
  • (d) a statement of the responsibilities of the employer, supervisors and workers at the workplace;
  • e) a schedule for the regular inspection of the workplace and of work processes and procedures at the workplace;
  • (f) a plan for the control of any biological or chemical substance used, produced, stored or disposed of at the workplace;
  • (g) a statement of the procedures to be followed to protect safety and health in the workplace when another employer or self-employed person is involved in work at the workplace that includes
    • (i) criteria for evaluating and selecting employers and self-employed persons to be involved in work at the workplace, and
    • (ii) procedures for regularly monitoring employers and self-employed persons involved in work at the workplace;
  • (h) a plan for training workers and supervisors in safe work practices and procedures;
  • (i) a procedure for investigating accidents, dangerous occurrences and refusals to work under section 43;
  • (j) a procedure for worker participation in workplace safety and health activities, including inspections and the investigation of accidents, dangerous occurrences and refusals to work under section 43;
  • (k) a procedure for reviewing and revising the workplace safety and health program every three years or more often if circumstances at a workplace change in a way that poses a risk to the safety or health of workers at the workplace; and (l) any other requirement prescribed by regulation.