Epoxy Room/Precautions

Revision as of 09:05, 2024 July 26 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)


  • Fumes: Epoxy and mold release are not good for your lungs. Lifebreath HRV (Epoxy) will be installed soon - until then, use a respirator.
  • Skin irritation and adhesion: if epoxy gets on your skin, it can cause skin damage. Wear gloves at all times. Isopropyl alcohol is also used for cleanup and can cause skin irritation
  • Eye damage: If epoxy splashes in your eyes, you can go blind. Wear sealed goggles when handling epoxy


  • Clean as you go - Isopropyl alcohol is best for cleaning
  • No set areas for different supplies right now, put things back where you found them.