North Forge:Broken

From North Forge
Revision as of 23:25, 2024 October 13 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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We could replace the current Slack broken channel with a similar method of tracking broken equipment on the wiki. Benefit would be that we would be able to start tracking downtime, breakdown frequency, current status of whole facility and similar.

The pages are stored in a different namespace that can be edited without login; Template:Broken only stores the broken info and it would be shown on the template:tool via query.


Currently Broken Tools

_pageName tool problem severity datetime reported datetime fix expected datetime fixed
Broken:111 Test tool Locked out 2024-05-01
Broken:0845025035 yubgfjbyb Locked out 2024-04-29

Break Log

see older breaks


  • I started to set this up but decided to leave it until the wiki is a bit more mature
  • I shelved this when I realized we needed to think further through how we would possibly transition to this, and that this might be better as a second or later step.
  • Also, something went wrong with a bunch of the test pages; they show up in searches even if pages themselves have been deleted etc. Search for "broken" for examples.