Ultrasonic Cleaner (Metalworking)

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Picture of Ultrasonic Cleaner (Metalworking) in the fablab

Room Metalworking Room
Work envelope/max capacity
Link to manual
Related tools
Trainer(s) No Training Available
Training Sessions no training sessions include this tool
Knowledge keeper(s)
Training document(s)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Safe Work Procedure
Software this machine has no software listed
Equipment type tool
Metalworking Room Precautions apply   

You will be working in the Metalworking Room . In order to keep safe from hazards created by you or other workers using any of the tools in this room, the following precautions apply in addition to any other precautions:


There are many things happening in this room that could hurt bystanders as well as operators (fumes, blinding lights, noise). Always be vigilant when working in this room: alert any bystanders if your work could harm them, and be aware that other people may start doing hazardous work at any time. Metal will be hot after certain operations (welding, forging, turning); do not touch random metal that's lying around (especially on the welding table) unless you know it is safe (use an IR thermometer to check).

Potential hazards

  • Noise
  • Fire
  • Fumes
  • Dust
  • Lacerations
  • Blinding lights
  • Burn
  • RUSes (Rodents of Unusual Size)


edit these instructions at Instructions:Ultrasonic Cleaner (Metalworking)

General Ultrasonic Cleaner Instructions

  • You have to make sure you have enough liquid in it or the machine will be damaged.
  • Do not use flammable liquids in it as they will be aerosolized and pose a fire or explosion risk.
  • Do not put your hands, or any body part, in the machine while it is running. Possible chemical hazards from the cleaning solution as well as the physical hazards of heat and ultrasonic sound.
  • Keep your parts off the bottom of the tank. It has a screen that should be used. This could over time damage the machine.
  • If your parts are small, it's best to fill with plain water and use a secondary container containing your cleaning fluid and the objects you're trying to clean. This makes cleanup easier and enables you to use less cleaning solution.
  • Depending on how your parts are soiled, just water may be enough to clean them.